每週推薦新曲 Weekly recommendation May 29-June 4


行月,包括英國團Alt-j的第三張<Relaxer> 、紐西蘭個性電子創作歌手Lorde睽違四年的第二張<Melodrama>...、丹麥一人Dream pop樂團Sleep Party People 的第四張專輯...等一次全部出籠~
June will be a month for new songs and albums, including Alt-J, Lorde, Sleep Party people,Imagine Dragons and even Radiohead will have a 20th new version of "OK Computer"!!

不過現在廢話不多說,趕快來看看上週有哪些好歌推出 (順序依照漢娜的個人喜好:p)
But let's take a look at some new songs released last week! (Ordered by Hannah's preference lol)

1.Liam Gallagher-Wall of Glass (release date: May 31st, 2017)

前綠洲樂團Oasis(怎麼每篇都有他們www) 的弟弟主唱甫推出的個人新單曲,雖然他跟他哥哥Noel真的很愛亂講話很自大 (例如最近評論One Direction 的Harry Styles的個人新曲 Sign of the times ),但是這首新歌真的蠻棒的,依舊是綠洲時期的風格,是種懷舊感,然而放在20年後的現在卻又不突兀。 Liam也在訪談中透露“準備好等哥哥Noel回來重組綠洲 ” ,希望能早點如眾樂迷所望~
Brand new solo single from the former lead vocal of Oasis (Yeah, Hannah is really into this band). In terms of characteristic, Liam was quite “presumptuous" ,yet in terms of music, he's definitely one of the best. His voice doesn't change much through those years and we can find some Oasis vibe in this new single at the same time it's trendy.

 The band was spilt in 2010 ( Fight between Noel and Liam), Liam (younger) had formed Beady eye with the rest of Oasis members ,while Noel focuses on his solo projects. However, maybe in the near future Oasis may come back as Liam said "he's ready for the reunion". Let's just finger crossed this will REALLY come true !
2.Radiohead- I promise   (release date: June 1st, 2017)

 隨著月底即將發行<Ok computer 20 發行紀念版>  前幾天Radiohead 也順勢釋出這首“遺失的舊曲” 據說是他們在保險庫找到的?!! 也因此這首走的是早期的另類搖滾曲風,跟他們後來的實驗音樂有著蠻大的區隔。而去年推出的<A moon shaped pool> 專輯有著早期的氛圍 卻又更加post rock 是支一直在突破的經典樂團~

Radiohead is back too!...oh wait...it's re-release of <Ok computer> lol  "I promise" with other two unreleased tracks will be included in the coming special album for celebrating the 20th anniversary release of the band's third studio album <Ok computer>. They are a really cool band in my mind coz they always change their music styles from alt-rock, experimental electronic to some post rock vibe in their last year's 
album <A moon shaped pool>. Thumb up!

3.Arcade fire-Everything now (release date: June 1st, 2017)


加拿大Art rock樂團即將在七月底推出第五張專輯<Everything now> 的首支同名單曲~ 歡欣的八零年代beat (有人說很像ABBA 我倒覺得跟另一支當代樂團Tame Impala也很像) 歌詞卻是十足的黑暗。不知道是否暗示著新專輯將有著全新的改變 且讓我們拭目以待~
漢娜知道這個樂團是因為多年前一個美國筆友的推薦 那時只覺得他們的曲風不容易入耳 但隨著聽的曲風越來越廣 也覺得他們的歌真的蠻不錯 在任何情緒下聽都很適合! 

Arcade fire is back after 3 years! In the first single <Everything now>, we can find some old vibes from their works (in the official version) but then the rest of song is with 80s disco beat. (Rule of thumb: Uplifting beat + melancholic lyrics = good song) What a surprised change! Wait and see their new album in July if they really change the style!
Hannah has been followed Arcade fire for 5 years by a American pen pal. Yet, not until recent 2 years has I "appreciated" their music :D

4. Lorde- Perfect places (release date: June 2rd, 2017)

很難想像他才二十歲 還跟我同天生日www
非常期待Lorde的第二張專輯(敲碗) 雖然應該是無法超越第一張專輯(我比較鍾意暗黑風格XDD)
Perfect places 是目前的第三支單曲 節奏跟上ㄧ張的Team相似 卻更加歡樂(?)歌詞還是如往的犀利XD  (把他排第四是因為個人比較喜歡這首Sober)
Lorde is back TOO!
One of my personal favorite artist in the 21th century. Can't imagine Ella (Lorde's real name) and I have the same birthday. The difference is that she's already a big thing and I am just a little blogger XD
<Perfect places> is her third single for the second album <Melodrama>, but I prefer <Sober> which is darker and more interesting to me.
Thanks to Lorde that makes me in love with some electronic music, looking forward to the coming album in June 16th but I supposed nothing can transcend her first album < Pure heroine> :P

Hope you all like these songs, please subscribe my blog and leave some messages below :D
See you next week!
以上就是我這週想推薦給大家的歌 希望會喜歡:) 


  1. 四首都很棒,感謝推薦

    1. 耶~~ 剛好這週出了比較多新歌 而且都是好久不見 之後也會努力推薦中文新曲~


