六月第一場聽專場~喬伊絲 @香港 First live in June goes to French singer---Joyce Jonathan

2017/06/03  20:15-21:45  
繼去年錯過喬伊絲分別在香港及台灣的演出後 今年終於在香港親耳聽到他的動人歌聲。

I have missed two concerts of her last year, and a even earlier one six years ago in Taipei. So glad I were able to have some live vocal vibes this time !

現年27歲的Joyce Jonathan 18歲即加入My major company 這個群眾募資音樂平台 並成功獲得發行首張專輯的機會 (不過她蠻厲害的耶 畢業自巴黎第五大學心理系) 在2010年推出<Sur mes gardes> 以 Je ne sais pas (我不知道)一曲聲名大噪~ 此後接連推出兩張專輯 < Caractère> <Une place pour moi> 此次巡迴 是為了宣傳亞洲精選盤(對她又唱中文了XD)  除了吉他也擅長鋼琴創作 曲風以流行民謠為主 但仍有著法式香頌的韻味 

The 27-year-old French pop-folk songwriter/singer released her first album <Sur mes gardes> she was just 20. Later on , gaining International recognition by her most successful song <Je ne sais pas>. This year, she comes Asia again for promoting her first collection+new song album <Ça ira>. 

香港場的場地位在九龍灣的展貿中心Music Zone 算是中型的表演場地 由於去年小呼叫音樂節已來過兩次 所以漢娜並不陌生 
The event in HK was at E-max Music Zone in Kowloon Bay which is bigger than the normal live house. Hannah had been there twice for the Taiwan's Calling Music Festival last October.

不過一般聽現場 都是沒有座位的 但這場卻有無劃位的舒適座位  雖然腳比較不會酸但是少了種更貼近表演者的臨場感
However, it is my first time to go to a concert that provided "seats" (Most of the time I just try to go to the first row to have the best view and sound :P) It's nice that music goers don't have to stand all night this time.

演出比預計晚了15分鐘開始 一開始喬伊絲在黑暗中以他清亮的嗓音向大家說聲Bonsoir 燈光隨之一亮 她便彈著吉他揭開序幕(忘了歌名:P)   接著換成以鋼琴演出 “San Patience"
The performance started at 20:15 which is 15min late than the schedule. In the beginning, the stage was totally dark, quite mysterious. After few seconds, we heard the sound of footsteps by Joyce, and "Bonsoir" to the audience. And then she picked up the guitar, performing the first song (forgot the name :P) In the second song, she sang "San Patience" with the piano. (video below) 
之後又重回吉他自彈自唱 不過到了歌曲後半突然加入了Band 這樣的開場真的蠻令人驚喜~
此後便是快歌慢歌 三張專輯加新歌輪流演出 而且是幾乎不間斷的!
她的現場聲音很有穿透力 也因此聽著會讓人忘卻時間流逝~
Later on, she sang with her own guitar again, however, in the second part of the music, the whole band suddenly joined! What a big surprise!
It's worth it to listen to Joyce's live performance as her voice is very pure and moved people's hearts. Her personality seems nice as well that she kept having interaction with us and and band members though I can hardly understand what did she talked about :(
這首“ Pas Besoin De Toi"收錄在第一張專輯 還曾是漢娜的的手機鈴聲

"Ça ira"第二張專輯首支單曲 MV很有趣 漢娜曾和朋友Ted比賽誰先學會這首歌

"L'Heure Avait Sonné " 收錄在首張專輯 也是漢娜很喜歡的一首歌 
Joyce在演出後半時要大家一起du du du~

"Jadin Zen" 收錄於第二張專輯 

“Le bonhour"第三張專輯的首支單曲 比較喜歡這個吉他版本

不過可惜的是 當喬伊絲與台下互動都是以法文(第一排坐著一排法國人)所以常常不太知道他在說什麼@@
但沒關係 因為音樂無國界 當安可曲“Je ne sais Pas"的前奏出來時 幾乎全場都會唱了吧~
Without hesitation, the encore song was "Je ne sais Pas". I think all the audience could sing this song with Joyce (or at least sing na na ~na na~ na na ~ na~)

好啦 這其實是尾聲lol

So this is end of the concert! So soon that I cannot even realize it.

也預告下場聽現場在June 9th !
Be welcome to tell Hannah which song of Joyce is your fav in the message box below !
And I 'll go to another concert on June 9th!!

Song list of HK concert:

