漫遊者的迷幻現場~六月第二場專場實錄 Wandering in the psychedelic world of singer ROVER

不同於聽專輯或是線上串流音樂,漢娜從去年三月“才”開啟聽live concert之路
Compared to listening to music on devices, not until March of last year that I had been to ANY live concert. My first and most the experiences are in some small/medium venues in Hong Kong.(eg.Hidden Agenda, E-max music zone )  

"ROVER 2017 HK" is also one of them.

“Rover漫遊者-讓它發光”專場演出是今年法國五月的系列活動之一 (德國協會都沒有演唱會可以去@@)場地在我平常會去的灣仔The Vine Church (搖滾音樂會在教堂蠻詭異的 但最近香港中小型演出場地是越來越難找啊QQ)
"ROVER-Let it grow" music concert is one of the activities of LE FRANCH MAY in Hong Kong which aims to promote and celebrate French culture with the public.(Don't know why German consulate doesn't have this kind of activities?!)
It's special that this concert was held in The Vine Church (guess it's getting harder to have concerts in legal and appropriate venues in HK recently :/)

Rover (有流浪者之意)本名Timothée Régnier 出生於法國,但之後跟隨著家人流浪世界各地:在紐約度過了童年 影響著現在創作的語言 也曾因緣際會在黎巴嫩待了三年 成為樂團The New Government 的成員之一 (然後被趕出境)
Rover is the stage name for Timothée Régnier, who is a French artist. It's also a word that illustrates his life vividly ; he grew up in New York ,so all of his songs are in English; he had once been a member of France/Lebanon band "The New Government" for when he accidentally stayed in the country for three years. 

Yet, this is his very first time to perform in Hong Kong! 

在2012年發行了首張專輯並獲得法國音樂大獎「啟示」項目的肯定 隔三年推出第二張專輯<Let it grow>
After the band, he released the first album in 2012 and received the France music award in "revelation" category. And had his second album <Let it grow> in 2015.

他的歌聲時而低沈呢喃 時而悠遠高亢 現場聽的時候感覺把聽眾孤寂的回憶都喚起 引入另一個迷幻的時空內 是個非常特別的聽覺經驗
His voice is powerful and soft at the same time. Especially when I listened to his live performance, I can feel that there are some kinds of sadness that could recall all of my loneliness in the deep mind and dragged me into another psychedelic world. Very interesting and fresh experience, I could say.    

而曲風橫跨60年代老搖滾 80年代disco beat 甚至也可在某些曲目 聽到David Bowie的影子或是瞪鞋shoegaze的節奏 當然也有抒情的ballad~
And his music is influenced by 60s-80s or even some shoegaze beats, not to mention a few of piano ballads.

"Call my name"

I love how the bass player focused to the music lol

“Some needs"這首是Let it grow的單曲所以有印象~
"Some needs"-first single of <Let it grow>

不過就如上述所言 之前沒有很追他的音樂 
所以能認出的歌也不多 不過幸好Rover本人很幽默  先是抱怨香港的天氣太熱 (然後他演出還不脫外套lol) 然後在唱Odessey前小小的說了創作緣由-來自一次在海上遇到暴風雨的經歷
However this time I couldn't realize many of his songs as I just follow him before I decide to come. Fortunately, ROVER is a quite humorous person and even shared the story behind the song Odessey (thunderstorm memory).

最後的安可曲更是一連有四首 (此時突然整場的法國人都衝到最前面搖擺了起來 我大概是那區唯一的亞洲人XD) 還追加一首即興曲結束
But the biggest surprise is that he gave FOUR encores this time plus one freestyle song. (At the moment, almost all the French are dancing , perhaps I am the Asian did the same thing in the front?!)

會說一些法語的美國人Mushaiq~ 實則 “以樂會友” 這便是音樂的魔力!
Oh, and I actually met my American music-lover friend Mushaiq in this concert, a friend made truly by muisc :))

