每週推薦新曲 Weekly recommendation June 5th- June11th


這週根本是專輯發行週呀~Katy Perry,London Grammar(專輯樂評),Suijfens Stevens為首的新計劃及法國樂隊Phoenix都在9號釋出了睽違已久的新專輯!
There are bunches of brand new albums released this week, including Katy Perry,London Grammar (album review), Suijfen Stevens' project and French synthpop band -Phoenix!
而單曲也不遑多讓  因此這週多了些推薦曲目也首次有中文歌加入~~
Also there are couple of singles came out so I will recommend two more than last week and include the Mandarin indie songs for the first time!!
(Order according to my preference)

1.Lorde-Sober (released date: June 5th)

本週私心最推薦的是來自紐西蘭20歲的electropop創作才女蘿兒(本名Ella Yelich-O'Conner)在6月16日推出睽違四年第二張專輯前的最後一發單曲“Sober" 不過其實

I have to admit that I am really obsessed with Lorde's music especially her first album"Pure Heroine" so I put "Sober"on the top of this week :P
It's the latest and the last single of the second album <Melodrama> which its style 
is "most similar to Old Lorde"

依然暗黑、新奇的節奏及唱腔 卻又多了分色彩變化 漢娜尤其喜歡bridge部分加入的鼓聲及旋律 令整首曲子更加耳目一新! 相當期待近期的新專輯~
Still-fresh melody and rhythm with Lorde's deep, dark voice but added more variety into the song. Hannah especially in favor of the bridge part which added slower drum beats. Looking forward to <Melodrama>!  

2.潛規則樂團-拼圖 (released date: June 7th)

全曲聆聽von Streetvoice (listen through this link)


同樣也是首編曲不尋常的一首電子樂包裹的輕搖滾曲 歌曲一開始放映機的聲音之後是一段不算短的吉他及電子音效的前奏。人聲一開始是低沈渾厚的男聲 之後卻變成男主音女和聲的主旋律(很像一般台灣樂團會出現的一段音樂?!)不斷的堆疊情緒之後又回到低沈男聲不同的是與主旋律交錯著直到全曲結束。這是一支來自台灣台北的樂團最新EP<季終>的其中一首歌~
"Puzzle" is another refreshing soft indie rock song with some electro vibes. The arrangement is quite interesting; long guitar+electro prelude then lowering man voice appeared , for the chorus is a boy and girl (this part is quite typical in lots of Taiwanese folk songs) constantly stack the emotions to the peak and the song turns back to the lowering vocals till the end. This is a song from the Taiwanese band "The unspoken rules" included in their latest EP <End of Season> 

3.ROHDES-Sleep is a rose (released date: June 9th)

New singles from the talented British songwriter Rohdes- continued with his touching vocals and simple piano chords, expressing the loneliness in the late night that couldn't fall asleep. 
“And you said sleep is a rose but I wanna tell you it brings me fear" 他激昂的唱著
是一首編曲簡單 旋律帶著些許靈魂味道的抒情曲
A ballad with some soul vibe, making it more unique.

另外漢娜也很喜歡他的舊作“Close your eyes" 大家也不妨接著聽聽~
Recommend his previous hot hits "Close your eyes" as well!

4.Panama-undertow (released date:June 9th)

~from Youtube~
Panama (恩最近剛好很敏感...)是支來自澳洲雪梨的獨立電子樂團
在Undertow這首歌裡一開始便是重複且歡愉的電子合成器 隨之加入打擊節奏 接著是鋼琴聲
此曲將收錄在將於6月23日發行的<Hope for something> EP中

Panama is a indie electro band from Sydney. In the song "undertow" , in the beginning is the repeating and please electric effect beats, later on putting the percussion and the piano. Yet, the vocal is quite "calm and psychedelic” totally different from the song itself. This is one of the song for their coming EP <Hope for something>

5. Alvvays- In undertow (released date: June 6th)

好巧不巧~來自加拿大多倫多的indiepop 團Alvvays的最新單曲同樣也以undertow為名曲風同樣走的是他們在當今樂壇獨特的"Jingle pop"風 (以ringing電吉他為主要旋律)襯托著女主唱Molly Rankin慵懶且迷幻的歌聲
Another new song called "undertow" from the popular Canadian indiepop band Alvvays
Still Jingle pop , still psychedelic vocal

Will be a indie summer anthem indeed!

6.Iron&wine- Call it dreaming (released date:June 9th)

美國民謠歌手Samuel Ervin Beam的最新單曲
Brand new song from the folk singer Iron & Wine
Especially admire the dreamy lyrics:

Where the sun isn't only sinking fast
Every moon in our bodies makes shining glass”

A song suitable for the summertime as well- like a cool breeze calm down the hot minds.


Sorry for the upload >< Welcome any comments below !! Looking forward to hear from your thoughts! :))


