All about non-rock GERMAN music that I listen to 德語音樂~不只是搖滾!

想嘗試聽非英文非中文非韓文(恩韓國也有不少好樂團的 以後介紹~)非日文的歌嗎?
This is a new series for introducing non-English/Chinese cool music !!

首先介紹德語音樂嘍!一方面是平常比較常聽( 複習德文考試時蠻有用的:P)  另一方面也是想讓大家接觸不同類型的德文歌曲 開闊“耳”界~
In the first article, Hannah will introduce GERMAN music, which I am learning this language at the moment.

一般德語音樂給人的感覺跟語言發音很相似–以率性直接的搖滾為主流 然後除了搖滾還是搖滾lol 所以我想和大家分享一些其他類型的德文音樂:)
People may have some stereotypes for German music, such as "only Rock music"
However, in the recent years there are more and more different genre of music is in German. So that's main reason I would like to share with you guys!

1. Bilderbuch (aus Österreich)

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來自奧地利的indie pop團體 不過他們的歌曲也常融合hip hop/ electronic/rock的元素曲風在德文音樂圈獨樹一格 而他們的MV也都蠻特別的 有興趣可以去看看
An indie pop group from Austria. I like how they could mix hip hop/electronic/rock elements into their works which makes them more unique.(or strange?!)
Also, their music videos are cool as well~

還記得當初知道他們是無意間在Spotify聽到這首Feinste Seide (直譯:最高級的絲綢)
像是這句"Ein Rebell, Rebell, Rebell
Wie ein Hund auf der Jagd“ (叛軍x3, 就像在追捕一隻狗)
My personal favorite song is "Feinste Seide" which I found accidentally on Spotify.
The melody arrangement is refresh but the lyrics is weird lol
主唱Maurice蠻瘋癲的 右邊的是吉他手Michael 

2.Dat Adam (aus Deutschland)
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一支非常年輕的德國饒舌團體 目前只發行過一張專輯 其實以前很少聽德文的饒舌歌曲
因為也不知道從何找起 而這個團體是德國朋友Robin最近介紹的
曲風走的是一般的美式饒舌(呃就是運動用品店聽到的那種)也有些是Cloud rap
A young hip hop/ cloud rap group from Germany. Thanks to the recommendation by my German friend Robin few weeks ago that I could take a glimpse at German rap music. Currently they only have released one album (2016). "700 main st" is the most popular song of them. (Their other songs are more "atmospherical" I think, like it also!)

"700 main st" 

3. JOCO (aus Deutschland)

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一支來自德國雙人組合 曲風走的是常見的indie pop/民謠
A sister indie pop/folk duo from Hamburg,Germany. What makes them special is that they have beautiful harmonies and percussion beats in their songs.

2016年發行首張EP 可惜的是她們大部分唱的是英文歌
像是這首“Full moon" 入選了去年德國參加歐洲歌唱大賽的幾首歌之一
雖然最後沒有入選 卻讓更多人認識這對姐妹~(包括漢娜在內)
They released their first EP in 2016 ,yet only one of the songs is in German.
They attracted more attention by attending the election of "Germany representative of 2016 ESC" with this song "Full moon" but didn't succeed (fortunately lol ).
編曲十分特殊 很喜歡這首的鋼琴跟打擊節奏 更不用說她們的完美的重唱
Again, a song with cool arrangement and I like the piano part in this song

目前唯一發行的德文歌“Winter" 是首輕柔的民謠曲 不變的是JOCO優美的和聲
"Winter" is a soft folk song, glad they sang in German!

4.Yvonne Catterfeld (aus Deutschland)

德國知名流行女歌手 2000年自歌唱比賽出道 然而之後卻轉戰電視劇
A renowned German pop singer/ TV drama actress, Yvonne won the second place in a singing contest in 2000. However, not until recent years that she received huge success for her music career.
她的音樂融入了大量靈魂/嘻哈元素 尤其在今年推出的全新專輯<Guten Morgen Freiheit>更能夠強烈感受到
She just released a brand new album <Guten Morgen Freiheit> in March this year which can be considered the most successful album of her career! In this album, we can find bunches of influence by soul & hip-hop.

<Irgendwas> is one my fav in the album.

Especially like the trumpet part in the middle of the song!

5.Tim Bendzko (aus Deutschland)

德國知名創作歌手 歌唱比賽冠軍出身 截至今年只有推出三張專輯 卻張張暢銷
Tim is a famous German songwriter/singer and he had won a song contest.
He only released three albums in total but gained awesome feedbacks by all of them.

會認識他 是因為漢娜曾有一段時間很喜歡看德國好聲音的青少年版 而Tim Bendzko正好是
第一季的評審之一 於是就去找來聽了~
He's also one of the judges of "The voice KIDS Germany" season 1 and that's the reason Hannah has followed him very early.

推薦首張專輯的這首<Nur noch kurz die Welt retten> 中快版的旋律襯著的卻是
玩世不恭的歌詞 (所以有德國朋友不喜歡這首歌詞lol)
Most of his songs are written by guitar, such as <Nur noch kurz die Welt retten> ,one of his popular song. (Though once my another friend really annoyed by the lyrics of this song XD)

Perhaps this is the first song I've heard in German!

6.Philipp Dittberner (aus Deutschland)
photo from official Twitter

德國新生代創作歌手(2015-) 他最初把作品放到知名音樂平台Soundcloud 以<Wolke 4>
一曲在德國聲名大噪 並於2014獲得 Berliner Pilsner Music Awards (德國音樂新人獎)
A new German artist who is famous by his song on Soundcloud <Wolke 4>
And be able to release his first and only album <2:33> in the end of 2015.

雖然他的音樂曲風還是被歸類在流行 但在<2:33>專輯中有不少曲目都可以歸類到
民謠或是dream pop~  個人很喜歡這首<Vorhang auf>
His music style is quite interesting as well, I would say " Pop music with melancholic dream pop atmosphere and sometimes involved in some folk rock vibes"

還記得也是偶然在Spotify聽到 並且訝異原來德文歌也有這樣的曲風-電氣味濃厚憂傷氛圍配上極為滄桑的嗓音 有點像Coldplay的<Ghost stories>專輯的樂風
<Vorhang auf> is Hannah's fav which I haven't heard of this kind of songs in German before!
Hope you like some of my recommendation for "non-rock german artists":)


But.... I STILL would like to share my fav German indie rock band to you guys in the end :P

-同場加映:Juli (aus Deutschland)-
主唱為位在中間的Eva Briegel

成軍已經十幾年的Juli 一開始以“Sunnyside"團名出道 但唱的是英文歌 2001年加入EMI唱片後改名以德文的七月“Juli" 也改唱德文歌 之後以<Perfekt Welle>一曲闖出名聲
The band Juli was originally named "Sunnyside" and sang in English, after signed a contract with EMI Records, they changed the name of the band into Juli and sing in German. They gained the national fame by the song <Perfekt Welle> 

樂曲方面他們以極有深度的歌詞著稱 為新世代德語音樂立下標竿
The lead vocal Eva has a relative high and powerful voice, and depth of the lyrics can be regard as "the good model for new German music".

不過,雖然Juli在德國有著不小的名氣 卻始終無法如其他樂團如Tokio Hotel、Revolverheld有著一定的國際知名度 十分可惜
However, Juli hasn't had International recognition like other bands such as Tokio Hotel、Revolverheld
以下這首<Wasserfall>收錄在最近一張專輯<Insel> 中
<Wasserfall > is my personal fav which appeared in their album releasd in 2014.

好啦,終於到了這篇的尾聲~ 歡迎在下方留言告訴漢娜關於這些歌的想法 或是想在未來看到介紹怎樣的文章喔!
Feel free to discuss with Hannah about German music /anything you would like to tell me in the message box below!

